If it weren't for your Abel sisters and Animal Crossing Bells amassing cute clothes I would have completely checked out months ago.I feel like I'd get far more enjoyment when I could have multiple islands. Imagine simply starting up a brand new island exactly like you'd begin a new world in Minecraft. You can make new layouts without having to let go of your previous inventions.

I'm sure someone said it but the fact that they are all sitting together drinking coffee and Brewster still hasn't come into the game is a slap in the face lol. Still adorable, and playing the game, but lacking some fundamental key characters. I expect year 2 focuses more on those things vs events. I would like to enjoy Island LIFE not just Island design.

The bizarre thing is... there's more thing interactions compared to previous games, but there's way far less interaction with the series staple: residents. Everyone's repetitive and shallow as hell compared to preceding titles.Literally haven't played this game since they added swimming at the summer upgrade. Ran out of things to do.

This is how it is with every game that needs NSO for online. Possibly the Exact Same case for Playstation and Xbox though? And yeah my girlfriend was not happy about that at all either. Like there is no way she's paying for a ceremony when she just wanted to sell turnips online or something.Not the principal point of your remark but, at least Xbox, if you are a Gold consumer and produce an Xbox your main account (similar to getting a NSO accounts and creating a console your primary console), then every account that signs on that console gets access to Buy Nook Miles Ticket online gaming. . Contrary to Nintendo Switch.