There is not much to do when you run out of FIFA coins in the game! Except for waiting for the FUT to get you some coins as your weekly reward, and that's only is true if you do have a good score that week. Or you can trade players in the Transfer market to get coins but in that case, you won't receive that many coins either. So, if you're currently in this situation and need more FIFA 21 coins, visit WhatsGaming and we will safely transfer coins as much as you need cheaply.
We have been a safe and trustworthy source of FUT coins for more than 4 years now. You can read positive reviews about us at Trustami or Trustpilot (which are two of the greatest review websites there is). Our prices are fairly cheap and we guarantee you for 48h after each delivery. We also have great programs such as FUT coin giveaways and discounts. You can learn all about them by visiting